
Mission Statement
“The mission of The Guru AngadDev Children’s Academy School is to provide our new generation knowledge of Punjabi, Gurbani and keep them in touch with our Sikh heritage and Gurmukhi Script”

The mission is accomplished in four ways:
1. By increasing the vocabulary of student’s through Punjabi classes. The students will then be able to engage in oral and written communication more fluently.
2. By providing knowledge of Gurbani through the Gurbani classes. The objective of the Gurbani program is to provide knowledge of the Sikh values through teaching of the Gurbani.
3. By providing knowledge of Sikh musical tradition through Kirtan classes. Students will learn to perform and participate in Kirtan.
4. By introducing students to Sikh Marshal Arts and Punjabi Cultural program. It will promote better understanding of historical traditions.

Sikh way of life is demonstrated through Speech competitions, Jakara Camp, Gurmat Camps, Vaisakhi Program, weekly performances and Kirtan performances.

Keeping these goals in mind, Guru AngadDev Children’s Academy Punjabi School curriculum has been developed into a comprehensive document that includes instruction in the fields of reading, writing and speaking Punjabi, memorization and reading of Gurbani. There are different levels of instruction in the Punjabi and Gurmat programs. Each level focuses on a number of concepts that need to be mastered by each student at different levels. These levels are classified into different classes. Students’ progress through these levels of instructions at each different level in their class placement. Students continue to complete their courses and move up to next level as follows: Phulwari, Beginning, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade and 5th Grade. After graduation from this school students should be able to:

1. Demonstrate knowledge of Sikh way of life
2. Read Punjabi and Gurbani fluently
3. Write and speak Punjabi with confidence

In order to be successful, we are a dedicated team of volunteers and teachers who continue to work hard, parents also play a very major role. We expect parents to help their children at home with their homework and Gurbani script memorizations.


Regular Schedule

10:00 - 10:45 AM
Kirtan/Tabla/Gurbani/Speech Class
10:50 - 11:40 AM
Assembly in DARBAR Hall
11:40 - 12:00 PM
Break Time
12:00 - 01:30 PM
Punjabi & Sikh History Class
1:30 PM


27, 2014

Regular school day

Start time 10:00 am


15, 2014

Regular school day

Start time 10:00 am


08, 2014

Regular school day

Start time 10:00 am


31, 2014

Labor day holiday

No school today

Phulwari Class
Beginning Class
1st to 5th Grade


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